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9dp5dt negative hpt positive beta

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9dp5dt negative hpt positive beta. There are some stories of women getting negatives but then a positive beta. Getting Pregnant . Good luck. Hang in there 馃挏. Hoping for a positive when I test this time next week. quitamp. For those who had a FET with a 5 day embryo and who took a HPT 7dp5dt, before their beta. Hello all, Going through 1st IVF. Yes it is indeed possible to have a positive HPT at this point. Girl, I commend you for waiting. I had my beta yesterday, 9dp5dt and it is 55. Now, I'm actually really shocked this FET didnt work but here I am at 9dp5dt and not a single BFP (big fat positive May 17, 2018 路 HCG Levels during the first trimester. ilovemydogs likes this. Dec 28, 2022 路 I am currently 7dp5dt with negative tests at home. Then had periods on 27th October. but have had 2 negative hpt …. I had what I thought were minor symptoms - sore boobs here and there, pressure in my pelvis, cramps, lower back pain, extreme fatigue. However, experienced 3 MC's. Hi y'all. I didn't test sooner but would think one at 5dp5dt would have been negative. These HPT plays with your head until they show you BFN. today is 13dp5dt. First beta yesterday at 9dp5dt was 171. Yay at the continuing good news! I'd definitely switch the HPT test brand. Need Hugs! Sending love but I would protect your heart if a Nov 6, 2013 路 Beta is not scheduled till 11dp5dt (this coming Monday) I couldn't wait and the clinic wouldn't let me take it early- so I went ahead and got a beta on my own at my primary care doc :). With first baby I waited til beta at 9dp5dt. My first beta was 20. HCG doubles every couple of days in Nov 19, 2018 路 This is the reason for the 2WW. Closed • 91 total votes. Has anyone gotten a positive beta later in the 2ww after a negative HPT? Holding on to hope, but feeling like this cycle isnt the one for me. You aren’t out until the beta of course but I would prepare yourselves for either a negative beta or a number that’s low enough that it’s probably going to be a Jun 17, 2014 路 My thoughts: I'd take a FRER on Thursday at 10dp5dt. Spotting could go either way, unfortunately. 2. I think I am 5dp5dt today b/c I did the transfer last Wed. Got my beta hcg level today at 9dp5dt and it's 27. I had a chemical with my last fresh transfer and was testing positive from 6dpt which is making me worried. My first beta at 9dp5dt was 388, and I had gotten only a very faint positive on an FRER that am (though a pretty dark positive on a pregmate). Hi ladies, I caved and bought a Clear Blue early detection test yesterday with plans to try it this morning, 9dp5dt, and it's a BFN (single early blast). You are not out until the beta. Just did a home pregnancy test a few minutes ago and it was negative. I do not understand why this keeps happening. Apr 22, 2017 路 9dp5dT Transfer BFN am I out : (. The progesterone will keep your period from coming naturally, so if you get a negative beta your Dr will instruct you to stop the progesterone and your period would usually begin within a few days of stopping. Posted 04-15-13. Only sympton I have had are mild menstrual cramps a few days ago, and today really feel like my period is coming. 12dp5dt 68. I doubled normally until they stopped measuring HCG. If you're still getting negatives at 9dp5dt than I would plan for BFN otherwise, there's still hope. I never test early but caved this time. aschultz03. 2016, January to March lots and lots of cycle monitoring. My official test day is 14dp5t but I've seen so many posts where women have had their BFP as early as 6dp5dt ! May 7, 2013 路 Posted 07 May 2013 - 08:15 PM. 6dp5dt is only 11 days past ovulation. I again repeated beta HCG test on 15th Nov which Nov 10, 2008 路 Thanks for the optimistic repliesI did an HPT at 10p3dt (yesterday) and it was negative. I retested around 3am this morning because I woke up needing to pee at that time. wasn’t that surprised bc i wasn’t even putting too much hope on those 2 tests i took. I’m 7dp5dt with a stark white FRER this morning after transferring our only embryo, so I’m putting all my hopes and dreams in the false negatives. Reply. 6 weeks LMP: 1,080 Aug 22, 2021 路 10dp5dt FET negative, 11dp5dt positive? London_panda123 •. I tested again at 9dp5dt and 10dp5dt and got bfn's. it was at least a positive pregnancy test. miscarried at 8weeks though. It definitely can happen. Oct 24, 2015 路 Yup- never test before you go for your blood beta and HCG!!! Like. I had a short pregnancy last Aug/Sep so feel I know what it Nov 14, 2020 路 I tested negative with first response until day 12 after a 3 day transfer, 2 days before official beta. 2015, November 4 - Heavy bleeding late November 4 and continued November 5. I know some people have late implanting especially with Turns out I just had a late implanter and went on to have a successful pregnancy. I went to the restroom and noticed I was spotting when I wiped. Is there still hope? Ments: Anyone had a negative hpt at 9dp5dt and then a positive beta?I feel slight symptoms like nausea, sleepiness and super tired…. Fertility ; Ovulation Calculator ; Ovulation Symptoms ; Preparing for Pregnancy . We determine that ultrasound and blood work do not show ovulation for me, despite having a regular cycle. I didn't with my last FET, and it was negative. PCOS, lupus anticoagulant, MTHFR (A1298C, one copy) 2 Aug 10, 2016 路 How soon (or how late) did you get a BFP on HPT? - posted in IVF/FET/IUI Cycle Buddies: My beta is on Friday (d16p5dt FET). I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Debating testing once again on 2 years ago. Progesterone is 22. So don't be discourage at this stage and Feb 25, 2015 路 I did my first test at 6dp5dt and it was a positive. My beta was positive (3186 first test then almost 8000 two days later). Oct 21, 2019 路 Didn’t really get that much darker the next couple of days. Original poster's Dec 20, 2017 路 It's been 5 days post transfer aside from back pains, and feeling tired mostly on night times, and clear fluid discharge which my RE told me is normal because of Endometrins, there is nothing really unusual feels that I get right now. • 10 mo. The most frustrating part is that we don't really know what went wrong. 07. ago. This time I went for bloodwork this morning, 82 hcg and 14 progesterone. I have quite strong period like cramps coming in waves and incredibly sore boobs which is probably We tested at home around the 7 or 8 day mark last cycle and it was a very faint positive as well. If negative, I would email my nurse and let her know I would like to come in for my beta on 11dp5dt (Friday), as you will be out of town until XYZ and because it is negative you'd prefer With my FET i did'nt test until 9dp5dt and it was negative and thought it did'nt work. 19dp5dt 470. I would anticipate a negative beta, but hope for a miracle. FET. Your beta could still be too low to register on a HPT. Apr 11, 2018 路 Symptoms don't mean anything at this point. If you haven't had your beta yet, go get a FRER. Dec 22, 2016 路 Dec 21, 2016 at 10:37 PM. I tested around your time and it came back negative. Esp at 12dp5dt. 5! Second beta will be on Monday, at… Aug 25, 2019 路 Beta in 2 days…. Jul 12, 2012 at 11:48 AM. Sushi and wine sounds great!! l. They were negative and my period came 9dp5dt (despite being on progesterone). 10dpt beta in 2 day BFN HPT . Did a FRER early test this morning and no sign of a line. My first beta at 11 or 12 days after a 5 day transfer was 119, about where you were at 12 days. It was 0. I opted not to do a HPT and waited til 14dpo (13&15dpiui). At 6dp5dt I had a vvvfl and my SO said I have “line eyes”. 4 weeks LMP: 5 – 426 mIU/mL. That line was so faint it's barely visible. Posted 09-29-15. I’m spotting today and it’s brownish. VeronicaFH. I'm now 7dp5dt and testing negative. My hospital does not do betas and only gives a HPT to do 14dp5dt. I’ve tried two brands, thinking my first set froze in transit and are no good. 3 weeks LMP: 5 – 50 mIU/mL. I'm in exactly the same position as you every HPT has been negative and my BETA is scheduled for Wednesday 4/12. I feel gutted because I have lost 4 pg naturally that started off low hcg. Jul 12, 2012 路 I just got confirmation of our BFN. Lindsayone11. My 9dp5dt beta was 12, which would explain the light test. It’s possible to have a low beta and still have success but it’s not the norm. true. Posted 31-01-17. I still Shekiba • Thu, Sep 28 • 3 yrs TTC #1. Has anyone ever done a test at this stage and got negative and went on to have a positive beta? I know I'm more than likely out, my OTD is Wednesday. As long as you are using a good test, the chances get slimmer as the days go by. Feeling worried now. 8dp5dt. Sep 24, 2018 路 Positive beta, negative Clear Blue digital. Hi, finally I dared test it and I am 7dp5dt the result is negative. Beta 1:104 @ 10dp6dt, Beta 2:178 @ 12dp6dt, beta 3:366 @ 14dp6dt Saw heartbeat twice before missed M/C at 8w3d on 12/27/13, missing my little angel boy JUNE 2014 IVF#2; 5R, 2M, 1F Three day transfer 6/7. Best of luck to you though. 2, which is a low beta, but I am now 32 weeks along. 5 days behind on my first Because to me those are true positives, but early losses. 15dp5dt 128. Had a negative HPT on Wednesday morning (9dp5dt) and have not tested since. I figured there might be a lady in here that had a successful FET. HCG doubles every couple of days in NEW/EDITED: HPT before beta, 7dp5dt. Don't give up all hope yet. I had my fresh transfer a week ago and this morning took a first response early results test that was negative. I've read that people get positives as early as 4 or 5 days post transfer and some not until 7-9 days but I'm feeling like I It is now the 17th and i took a hpt and it was negative. 17dp5dt 282. took the dose, went to bathroom, saw bright pink blood on the tissue. I got three positive HPTs but just had my beta and <1. With this FET I've had a mixture of defeat from the start, but with a clear hidden hope that it had to work. Medicated FET with both embryos in September=failed IVF cycle. My best friend had a negative HPT for 2 months before going to the doctor and getting a positive last year and now has a 3 month old, as well as a 4 year and 2 year old. Even though people wait the allotted time, they can still get an inconclusive result from their beta (a result of 6-25 is considered inconclusive). I’m on progesterone suppositories and have heard it could irritate the cervix. Unfortunately, statistically speaking getting a first positive after 7dp5dt is most likely not going to result in a lasting pregnancy. Sep 24, 2018 at 10:33 AM. I know it's not over until the OTD this Sunday, but I feel like it is. Frequent urination happens in pregnancy, so this could be a good thing. (I am a low beta kinda girl - my singleton beta started out as a 2. May 18, 2014 路 I got a faint positive on the evening of 7dp5dt. 3 years ago • 14 Replies. I am now 10dp5dt. 5dp5dt here and negative today!! I actually feel period cramps. Your a bit early yet but good luck! A supportive and positive community to discuss your IVF journey. I had a negative test and I feel devastated. I got a negative test at 4dp5dt and then positive at 9dp5dt!!! My wife just took a pregnancy test and the result was negative. People like me who are TTC for 7 years with no luck. Normal HCG levels range widely in early pregnancy. Not sure what to think! kdl. I tested this am and got a negative. I hope this is the correct board to post. Pregnancy Week 42. So I've been having some cramping and backaches today. i've been bleeding bright red for last Apr 11, 2018 路 Symptoms don't mean anything at this point. I had intercourse on 20th aug 2021. Lower than "Average" for each test but well within the range. 7dp5dt Negative HPT. I've sort of lost hope that it could be positive and dread having to go through all Aug 27, 2015 路 9 years ago • 14 Replies. I will cross my fingers for you. v. I followed my Ovidrel trigger negativize, and today 6dp5dt (I guess almost, transfer was at 10 am, I tested today at 7:45 am) I'm still negative on a freaking FRER. 4. Still negative at 12 days post transfer and I was just fed up and stopped my meds. q. Oct 15, 2015 路 2015, November 1 - Negative home pregnancy test. It was bfp Dec 16, 2021 路 Hi ladies, I transfered a PGT-A tested 5BB embryo on 12-06-2021 and did home pregnancy test on day 5 & day 8 after transfer both tested negative low abdomen cramping started on day 9th. 3!!!) Gina Jan 31, 2017 路 Early test, 9dp5dt, BFN. Jul 12, 2017 路 Posted 13 July 2017 - 08:43 AM. Jul 31, 2023 路 Jul 31, 2023 at 4:03 AM. The first time I had used the cheapies, and the positive I got on a digi. So, there is always hope. Negative HPT, Positive Blood Test. I got my first BFP (big fat positive (pregnancy test)) with my daughter 6dp5dt but that was back in 2016. Wanted to share my progression lines on FRER. She got her bfp then but her hcg was low. but I used to be on a fertility board where more than one woman got a positive beta despite a negative HPT. Didn't believe it tho until doctors confirmed my beta at 9dp5dt at 111. Frozen embryo transfer on 4/29/22 so I think today is “9dpt. I knew I was out. Jul 31, 2022 路 Negative HPT 9dp5dt FET. I’m still getting a BFN. No sign of AF though and no signs of PMS either. Hi all, I've had my first frozen 5 day hatching Blastocyst transfer on 24. But don't give up until the beta test, that is the moment when you will find out for sure. ICSIBaby86 •. Feb 18, 2016 at 6:08 AM. I knew a girl who tested at home the morning of her beta and it came back negative. @Raindrops2001, I did my first beta at 9 days post FET, the number came positive, but It wasn't the big number that I was expecting, just 69 and second beta was 135, after road all those big numbers here, it looks like everybody was at list in the hundreds for first beta, of course I freak out, even after the nurse Sign Out. My betas were 87 on 9dp5dt and 166 at 11dp5dt. Surprisingly on my beta day which was 12dp5dt it was already 285. Feeling so sad that this cycle didn't workI wish I had never tested. It was a dollar store cheapie but I got negatives day 9 and 10, just went in for beta today and won't get results until tomorrow but trying to cling to some small sliver of hope. I just thought it was my trigger injection still showing. 5! Second beta will be on Monday, at… Turns out I just had a late implanter and went on to have a successful pregnancy. I am terrified about testing for this transfer for various reasons. I have a good friend whose 9dp5dt beta was 29. OP posts: I kept having much fainter FRERs than pregmate hpts, and was panicking. BFN on FRER 6dp5dt. Help me wrap my mind around this hive mind? UPDATE: after speaking with the IVF doctor, he agreed it may have been a chemical pregnancy since it was ~1 week between my positive HPT and my beta. You won't definitely get a BFP on a HPT that early. I tested yday morning (10d) and it was negative with a clear blue test. I then found out that if you are taking a prenatal or supplement with more than the RDV of biotin, that can mess with FRERs. on 5dp I had a late implanter as my beta was low to start at 73 9dp5dt and I've measured 2. So keep taking your meds. Mar 6, 2017 路 Looking for any hope or success stories from anyone doing a hpt the morning of 10dp5dt and negative but still getting positive beta. littleviper. If positive, I would set up my beta draw for the first day I returned from vacation/working out of town. in my second pregnancy that was conceived without assistance, i had light bleeding and blood clots on and off between weeks 5-10 but my MFM said spotting was normal. jenjen78 Apr 11, 2018 • 2:49 PM. I go in tomorrow for beta. I also have not had any spotting just headaches/dizziness. How many days after egg retrieval did you get a pozititiv urine test? How many days after egg retrieval did you… Waiting for beta results (11dp5dt) gringa78. they had me increase my progesterone dose tonight. Feb 1, 2009 路 The Finding a Resolution for Infertility Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. And my beta was at 11dpt. Cramping could be a good sign too (implantation). With the twins I was definitely negative at 5dp5dt and positive at 6dp5dt. bleeding at 9dp5dt with positive beta can't stop crying. @Mandm24, I was in your shoes in Feb. Were my positives due to a chemical pregnancy? For reference I did not take HCG during my FET. 5 days behind on my first 29 votes, 20 comments. A woman got a neg hpt at 8dp5dt and with until her beta 2 days later. 2015, November 3 - hCG at 33 (low) and bleeding. I felt it better to know earlier, I didn't melt down at all. I scoured the Internet and could only find one story. Doesn’t make what’s happening right now any easier though. Fertility ; Ovulation Calculator ; Ovulation Symptoms ; Preparing for Pregnancy Mar 1, 2016 路 5dp5dt--negative hpt :(s. Natural FET in October canceled. I tested vvfl on 4dp5dt, and have progressively tested darker. 7 years ago • 36 Replies. but was told that my hormone levels are all normal. Ivory: perfect timing, my beta is also on the 12th, however I am far too nervous to test, but pretty sure I'll cave soon. I have headaches, eating more, urinating more, cramps in pelvic area, cramps in lower back, twinges, sleepy more than usual, moody, vivid dreams everynightall good symptoms. I started at home testing 4dp5dt and got my first ever pos on day 5. Took ipill on 21 aug Had periods on 1st sept then missed periods on 1st October so did urine pregnancy test (prega news) which was negative. A urine pregnancy test is just as accurate as a blood test (99%), as long as you wait the recommended amount of time to take it. Good luck! Feb 14, 2020 路 Pregnancy Week 41. Ive done 2 HPTs using FRER (d8 & d11) - both were negative. Posted 08-25-15. in my second FET, i had Oct 25, 2021 路 9dp5dt BFN OTD tomo needing hope!! Hey I have just done my first fresh round of ivf, I’m currently 9dp5dt of 1 grade 4AA blast, on 7dpt I tested with frer and got a faint positive so naturally tested the next day both 8dpt and today I’ve had negatives. 3. Good luck and I hope that it's just too early and you get your BFP in a few days!! Sep 29, 2022 路 negative HPT 10 days after embry transfer. Hi Ladies. Apr 29, 2013 at 7:31 AM. So, like a fool I started testing at 4dp5dt with my FET on 2/5. But it is a possibility that the embryo implanted late, so tomorrow you may get a positive. I am just looking for any women who have positive stories to share that started low On my first FET, I did get a positive HPT on 9dp5dt after testing negative every day before, but it didn’t end well as it was a chemical. 0 replies. This community is sponsored by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, an Inspire trusted partner. Back from the RE's officethe nurse said I should hear from her between 3 and 5 pm. Every time HPT showed a faint positive, but 2 days after it starts to bleed. 2. MFI. I am now 36 weeks pregnant, looking at the baby coming in less than 20 days. Aug 30, 2021 路 I got a BFN and I know it's too early but the hormones are making me extra emotional. I broke down and took a FRER test yesterday afternoon (8dp5dt) and got a faint positive. Only at 7dp5dt was it a clear positive. Tested everyday till 15d and the line was dark as the first. •. January 2013. 5 weeks LMP: 18 – 7,340 mIU/mL. Anything past that will most likely be a chemical. Mar 15, 2024 路 Blood Pregnancy Test Accuracy . If you want to avoid plonking down the cash for multiple FRERs or Clearblues, I'd recommend my brand of internet cheapies (link on my blog), they were surprisingly sensitive. Mar 1, 2016 路 5dp5dt--negative hpt :(s. Mar 24, 2018 路 The negatives give you a massive heartbreak when you are TTC and you are past couple of days of AF. Seems like there are a few old threads/polls saying most people have positive by day 5. I know I should've have tested before my beta which is 3/17 but I couldn't wait anymore. A FRER picks up hcg of 5+ and a digital at ~20+. I was negative at 5dp5dt too. Apr 29, 2013 路 littlesttiger. try9ng · 31/07/2022 12:07. See about me page. This 2 ww period is torture. Good luck to you! I also took a FRER on 6dp5ft and it was BFN. NEW/EDITED: HPT before beta, 7dp5dt. Hi all, I run a hpt @8dp5dt and got negative,has any of you got a negative and later beta turns out positive? My beta test is on 28th. I gave up on the cycle and waited for AF, and a whole week later got a positive HPT and positive beta. Options. At 9dp5dt doctors want a beta of at least 50 (though 100 is better) and you want to see doubling every 48 hours. Average is just average, reality is a bell curve. Had I tested when you had at 12dp, I doubt it would have shown up on a HPT as most register at 20-25 beta. August 2009. Below are the ranges of beta hCG by week following your Last Menstrual Period (LMP), according to the American Pregnancy Association. It’s not surprising considering we’re only 5 days post frozen embryo transfer but…. 馃槩 sending sticky vibes to you!!! 6dp5dt is still early! It’s definitely possible to have a negative that early and a positive beta. Hello doctor. Also please see HPT below, the line at day 10 looks much stronger than day 9, so im hoping HCG is increasing! update: 9dp5dt hcg 20. The advice from the clinic is test on day 10 and if negative test day 12! Apr 28, 2015 路 Apr 28, 2015 at 11:57 AM. UWShopefuls. i still cannot figure out why i got those 2 Sign Out. My beta on 9dp5dt was negative. had 4 IUI and decided to give ivf a shot. TTC for 6 years me=41 dh=44 Jan 07 - HSG - Right tube blocked Feb 07 - Tubal Canalization perform to unblock tube - unsuccessful Apr & May 07 - Clomid BFN x 2 July 07 Feb 20, 2014 路 Feb 20, 2014 at 7:31 AM. You are very close to beta now. A few days later I got a positive beta but MENTS it ended in a miscarriage, possibly because I stopped my meds. Dec 28, 2019 路 Beta in 2 days…. Hi all, it's my 2nd FET, last one ended in a chemical. met the doctor, took both urine & beta HCG test and both were negative. This 2ww is really killing me, I am trying to be busy and not to think about it, but really its easier said Apr 15, 2013 路 Bleeding before Beta. Brownish spotting 9dp5dt - BFN on HPT. In Fertility Treatments. Praying for a positive!! Mar 15, 2024 路 Blood Pregnancy Test Accuracy . I tested negative with First Response on 9dp5dt (and every day until beta) and I got a negative beta (12dp5dt). nervus optimist. I'm pretty upset, but we ready made plans for IVF #2. Feb 16, 2016 路 G. Both HPT and beta were negative for me last time. Galliana. Your beta could still be positive with a negative HPT at this point or any point depending on how you process HCG, your hydration, and the sensitivity of the test. My RE was not optimistic. ” Testing negative on First Response. Feb 5, 2017 路 Feb 5, 2017 at 3:24 AM. Some people who get inconclusive result do go on to have a healthy pregnancy but it can be an indication of a chemical pregnancy. Pt 3 to follow for 9dp5dt (: Pt 1 features BEFORE 7dp5dt. This is my first ivf / fet and I did a 5 day blast transfer. I tested with a cheapy HPT this morning and it was positive with a very faint line. Oct 9, 2019 路 W this baby I got one on day 5 but didn’t test sooner. TTC since August 2016, with RE since August 2017. W my second baby I got one on day 7 but didn’t test sooner. So I stupidly tested 9dp5dT we had a really good quality 5AA blast everything seemed perfect. Mar 25, 2008 路 1st positive HPT ~ CVS brand ~ 5dpt/3dt 1st beta 15dtp/3dt ~ 387. Although I would continue medicine as prescribed till ODT, but. May be I tested before more hope was built on, may be for the next week I would do For my fresh transfer, I planned to test 9dp5dt, but I gave in and took a random cheapie with mid day urine at 5dp5dt and 7dp5dt. Also did beta HCG test on 26 October. unfortunately that also ended in a late m/c at 18weeks. I read lots of posts on other boards stating false positives with these new curved tests. FX, things look good. 4 2nd beta 17dpt/3dt ~ 963 3rd beta 19dpt/3dt ~ 2980!!!! - Singleton maddies_mommie Transferred two blasts 9dp5dt beta was 122 11dp5dt beta was 266 First positve HPT was 6dpt, on an Answer we've got one little guy snuggled in! mama_2_3 8dp3dt 18 14dp3dt 813 20dp3dt 15816 Singleton That1LoudGirl1989. I'm feeling defeated. . 1st IVF cycle in July '17 = 2 embryos by ICSI frozen. At 125. I made great eggs but we got crappy embryos. 23dp5dt 1467 k. Dec 22, 2012 路 Plese share with us your BETA HCG values. I already know I’m out so I’m confused what’s happening. Has anyone had this experience or know someone who… Aug 1, 2013 路 When I had my BFP I had a negative HPT (or three) 14dpIUI. #4 nervus optimist. 26miu/ml. Technically there's still hope until beta. In reply to Jackiejane's comment. Has anyone had a negative hpt only to test positive the next day by beta results? I've heard the FET implant later than fresh ET. Kurzz10. I'm so sorry RN!!!! hi, i had 2 faint positive HPT on monday, and on 22nd i had a scan and they couldn’t find anything, only showed my polycystic ovaries. With my first FET, i had pink/brown spotting 7dp5dt but got a positive beta. louou1121. im in my 2 week wait now. I think I got my first BFP for my chemical pregnancy on 11dpo (8dp3dt), but it was very very faint and I used a FRER. Beta was positive. I could tell my beta increasing, just visually, from day 10 to day 18 where my levels were about 29 votes, 20 comments. Thank you for any input. Because I am insane, I took another test last night; a Clear Blue digital and it came back as not pregnant. Official date to test is a week after. Sep 29, 2021 路 I know chances are slim, but has anyone else had lower HCG on 9dp5dt and made it full term? Looking for any success stories. My beta is Friday at 9dp5dt and I’m really starting to worry. Jun 4, 2015 路 Subject: 9dp5dt - Negative HPT with DE cycle. So figured I'd start a thread and look for some positive stories for BFP after 4dpt. I don’t remember the exact statistic, but it’s like an 18% chance or less for an embryo Apr 18, 2006 路 KM - There are LOTS of people that get negative home tests and have postivie blood tests. Day 5 but day 5 embryos statistically is pretty conclusive on 7dpt with a home pregnancy test thus a day 3 embryo would be likely conclusive on a test at 9dpt. db ct ua ju oq hv mo qm wq rd

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